Konnettur tal-Fluwidu Push-Pull TPP-12
(1) Siġillar b'żewġ direzzjonijiet, jixgħel / mitfi mingħajr tnixxija. (2) Jekk jogħġbok agħżel verżjoni tar-rilaxx tal-pressjoni biex tevita pressjoni għolja tat-tagħmir wara skonnettjar. (3) Id-disinn tal-wiċċ FUSH, ċatt huwa faċli biex jitnaddaf u jipprevjeni li l-kontaminanti jidħlu. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) konvenjenti; (8) Plug Plug Plug Numru Plagg InterfaceNumber Tul Total L1 (mm) Tul tal-interface L3 (mm) Dijamet massimu ... -
Konnettur tal-Fluwidu Push-Pull PP-25
(1) Two-way sealing, Switch on/off without leakage. (2) Please select pressure release version to avoid high pressure of the equipment after disconnection. (3) Fush, flat face design is easy to clean and prevents contaminants from entering. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) Convenient; (8) Wide range Plug Item No. Plug interface number Total length L1 (mm) Interface length L3(mm) Maximum diam... -
Konnettur tal-Fluwidu Push-Pull PP-20
(1) Two-way sealing, Switch on/off without leakage. (2) Please select pressure release version to avoid high pressure of the equipment after disconnection. (3) Fush, flat face design is easy to clean and prevents contaminants from entering. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) Convenient; (8) Wide range Plug Item No. Plug interface number Total length L1 (mm) Interface length L3(mm) Maximum diam... -
Konnettur tal-Fluwidu Push-Pull PP-17
(1) Two-way sealing, Switch on/off without leakage. (2) Please select pressure release version to avoid high pressure of the equipment after disconnection. (3) Fush, flat face design is easy to clean and prevents contaminants from entering. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) Convenient; (8) Wide range Plug Item No. Plug interface number Total length L1 (mm) Interface length L3(mm) Maximum diam... -
- (1) Two-way sealing, Switch on/off without leakage. (2) Please select pressure release version to avoid high pressure of the equipment after disconnection. (3) Fush, flat face design is easy to clean and prevents contaminants from entering. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) Convenient; (8) Wide range Plug Item No. Plug interface number Total length L1 (mm) Interface length L3(mm) Maximum diam...
- (1) Two-way sealing, Switch on/off without leakage. (2) Please select pressure release version to avoid high pressure of the equipment after disconnection. (3) Fush, flat face design is easy to clean and prevents contaminants from entering. (4) Il-koperturi protettivi huma pprovduti biex jipprevjenu li l-kontaminanti jidħlu waqt it-trasport. (5) stabbli; (6) affidabilità; (7) Convenient; (8) Wide range Plug Item No. Plug interface number Total length L1 (mm) Interface length L3(mm) Maximum diam...
- Plagg Oġġett Numru Numru tal-Interfaċċa tal-Plug Tul Totali L1 (Mm) Tul tal-Interface L3 (mm) Dijametru massimu φD1 (mm) Forma tal-interface BST-PP-PP-5Paler1G38 1G38 62 12 24 G3 / 8 Thread Intern BST-PP-PP-P-5Paler1G14 1G14 51.5 11 21 G1 / 4 Thread Intern BST-PP-5PALER2G38 2G38 50.5 12 20.8 G3 / 8 Thread Esterna BST-PP-5Paler2G14 2G14 50.5 11 20.8 G1 / 4 Thread Estern BST-PP-5Paler2J916 2J916 46.5 14 19 JIC 9 / 16-18 Thread Esterna BST-PP-P-P-5Paler36.4 36.4 57.5 18 21 Qabbad id-dijametru ta 'ġewwa 6.4mm ho ...